Our Vision

A more open, transparent and efficient world through blockchain technologies.

Our mission

We achieve our vision by

  • Bridging traditional and digital finance.
  • Focusing on the markets we know.
  • Solving high value problems.
  • Building a deep understanding of our customers.
  • Challenging the status quo by asking why.
  • Driving efficiency by building trust.
our Values

Our culture is built on blocks

  • Support the network
    We work together to execute our mission
  • Build trust with transparency
    We acknowledge the elephants in the room
  • Never stop developing
    We constantly seek out new knowledge to improve
  • Seek consensus
    We hash it out and proceed with a shared understanding
  • Execute your part
    We know that solving hard problems is worth the effort
our history

Where we've been

Tradewiz was the world's first publicly listed blockchain technology company, founded in 2014 as a bitcoin mining operation which at it's peak controlled over 2% of the network hashing power. The business expanded to providing liquidity for exchanges as well as the development of other blockchain technology applications such as Airpocket, a mobile app for peer to peer foreign currency transfers.

In 2017 Tradewiz used it's industry and technology expertise to offer advisory and smart contract development services to blockchain projects seeking to raise capital. Following a strategic review in 2019, the company renewed it's vision through a focus on two business lines - digital asset funds management for institutional investors and development of blockchain enabled products for capital markets applications.

In 2020 this has seen Tradewiz launch and scale two of Australia's first digital asset funds for wholesale investors and launch Drawbridge using emerging distributed ledger market infrastructure.

Our leadership

Board of Directors

Peter Rubinstein
Non-Executive Director
Greg Dooley
Non-Executive Director
Our Team

We are Tradewiz

Christopher Alexander
Interim Chief Financial Officer
Ben Hartnett
Chief Technology Officer
Hannah Pham
Portfolio Manager
Run Yan
Senior Software Engineer
Teresa Day
Advisor, Sell My Shares
Stephen Day
Advisor, Sell My Shares
Joel Ives
Company Secretary
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